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Inza, located on the high Colombian plateau known as the 'Macizo Colombiano', boasts altitudes exceeding 2000 masl, making it ideal for specialty coffee cultivation. Established in 1577, Inzá became a municipality in 1907, with a rich history intertwining indigenous roots and coffee cultivation. Asorcafe, founded in 2003, comprises 290 members from Pedegral, Inza, dedicated to organizing producers, promoting specialty coffee sales, and fostering education for economic and social betterment. These small producers work on 1.8 – 2 ha plots, cultivating various coffee varieties up to 2100 masl.


The coffee is traditionally fully washed, pulped, and fermented for 20-40 hours. After washing and drying in parabolic driers for 8 – 15 days, weather-dependent, the coffee is delivered to Siruma. Siruma, having initiated collaboration with ASORCAFE in 2021, assesses the cup quality and ensures physical specifications align with standards before Asorcafe is promptly paid for the delivered coffees.



Recommandation : Espresso/Filter



Moklair Ranking : Premier Cru


TRACABILITÉ : Inza, Cauca, Colombia


Blackberry, blood orange, yellow apple, cantaloupe, lemon, red velvet cake


BODY : Smooth and light


PROCESS : Washed


VARIETIES : Castillo, Colombia & Caturra



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